Thursday, June 7, 2007


How about announcing a secret that needs to be hided so that it can be crafted out to be hidden.

Its a know fact that sales could be fine art that scienctific measurement is unable to determin the effectiveness of it. Simply because third party interpertations between two parties, seller and buyer, involves technic that is considered inproper by common knowledge.

Unlike engineering which have a requirement of completing ABET as an indication of the eligeblility for training in according field to entitle for a Pro-E test, like most other licenced professional, with organization clearified rule. Leaving the last burden of sales field is set by legal means and a water walking culture creating valunabiltiy for administrative control and safty.

College education might not always be in the best interest of sales for individual difference between exceptions of mind varies its ability and limitations. e.g. failure in newb ESL classes, no spell/grammer check being used in this passage, bad luck? no idea.

Requirement for a poor to be able to have a secret stash hiding for the purpose of validating a accusation is to supply the secret stash.

Think out of the box could be danger when thinking is way off shore while playing with box, showing no grib and announcing no clutch. Perfect means perfectly imperfect, a designated safty pin.

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